早上琢磨着去哪里走走,我提议去看瀑布,Guanwei觉得路太远兴致寥寥,最后还是他提议去Hockley Valley,去年秋天走的那一段貌似挺合适的。去群里吆喝一声,没想到姐姐在忙着加班,而大哥和火娃Allison积极响应。最后五人正好凑一辆车过去,很环保
9点之前在火娃家集合,然后火娃开车直奔Trail Head。出发时是阴天,但过了Hwy400后就开始下雨,然后变成雨夹雪而且还越下越大,大家直担心在这样的天气里走路太过辛苦。11点之前来到停车场时竟然一点雨都没有了,大家换好衣服鞋子,一切准备就绪,出发!
Nearly 2 kilometres from Hockley Valley Road are the remains of a 1939 Chevy Sedan that are being slowly disassembled and removed. The property belonged to Dennis Nevett who owned and farmed it until 1974 when he sold it to the government for the creation of the Hockley Valley Provincial Nature Preserve. The family used the sedan from about 1951 until 1959 when it died. Over the next year or two it was towed to the back corner of one of the fields and left to rust away.
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